12 Week Crossfit Program Pdf

Mike Burgener 12 Week Program
(Originally found here, as posted by Mike Burgener)

Crossfit Workout Programs Pdf

Crossfit Endurance 12 Week Program Pdf

Program Cliffs:
  • 12 Week program, 4 days per week
  • The author notes this program is very flexible for any schedule but to consider the following split:
    • Monday, Tuesday, Rest, Thursday, Rest, Saturday
  • Each Session you can input your 1RM/PR under the MAX heading - this will calculate your weight for the exercise.
    • the program also displays the total reps performed with each exercise
  • Each exercise day based around snatch or cleans, back squats throughout the program
  • The program also includes some basic strength elements such as pressing, chin-ups, box jumps, and core work
  • Abbreviations:
    • WT = this is the weight you will use for the exercise
    • PS = power snatch
    • HSS = hang squat snatch (I believe this is just a full snatch from the hang)
    • SN = snatch
      • PS+HSS+SN = power snatch, hang snatch, snatch complex
      • According to comments, doing this once would equal 3 reps total, not 1 rep
    • POS clean/snatch = 3-position (pauses at floor, below knee, hang)
    • PJ+JRK = power jerk + jerk
    • Clean Shrugs = taken off the blocks, from high hang position
    • HLR = hanging leg raise
    • SN PP = snatch push-press (use your max snatch for this, according to the author)
  • Please review the above link for comments from users and the author on running the program and for any details I may have missed
Crossfit program for beginners

12 Week Crossfit Workout Plan


12 Week Crossfit Program Pdf 2017

The result is a training program that is unparalleled in the industry. The CrossFit Football program is designed to work for all players regardless of age or experience. The loads, distances, times, intensity, and programming can be scaled, and the program has been. May 27, 2011 The following program is scaled down to more of a starter program. Each week will include the following: 3 days of strength, 3 days of Crossfit and 3 days of sport-specific training. Click here to view the 12-Week CrossFit Endurance Advanced Training Program. Runners, Cyclists & Swimmers. This is also a starter schedule. Program Overview 2 Methodology OnRamp Training Guide The CrossFit Mudtown New Athlete Training Guide is a collection of CrossFit material and images of the foundational movements and methodology of CrossFit. The OnRamp Course provides those completely new to CrossFit the knowledge and skills to begin their health and fitness journey in CrossFit.