Latest Version Of Ksp

Official release
Released 5/30/2019
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1.7.1 is a bugfix update released on May 30, 2019 alongside a bugfix update for the Making History expansion and KSP's second expansion: Breaking Ground.

  • 1Changes


Oct 21, 2020 Download KSP for free. KSP is a method for predicting kinase annotations for phosphorylation sites by effective integration of kinase-substrate interactions data and PPI data using KSPscore The software is free. Kerbal Space Program 2 will create a whole new generation of space flight experts who will find themselves accidentally learning rocket science. New animated tutorials, improved UI, and fully revamped assembly and flight instructions allow both experienced and novice players to quickly put their creativity to the test without sacrificing any of. This DMagic Orbital Science Remake version only changes in terms of the ksp version and does not change any of the features in this mod. DMagic Orbital Science:Remake for ksp 1.10.1. NEW FEATURES: Multiple teams are now supported by BDA. Probably breaks ALL the existing addons. The new property is Team instead of team. Review all existing references and check whether the check is for the same/different team (/!=) or enemy/ally (use IsEnemy and IsFriendly).TargetDatabase and GPSTargets have gone private and are not guaranteed to contain all the teams anyway.


  • Implemented Cargo part category and Inventory processing.
  • Implemented PAW UI drop-down grouping functionality.
  • Implemented scrollbars to PAW UI windows.
  • Added a new type for PAW fields, a double slider to set ranges with a min and max values
  • Kerbal Portraits now available on EVA.
  • Implemented Axis groups.
  • Implemented Action/Axis group override sets (if 'Activate Action Sets' is enabled)
  • New game setting - Shadow casting for CBs.
  • Add and apply High Gee settings to wheel suspension.


  • Fix Bobcat, Wolfhound, Kodiak, Poodle, Terrier, Spark, Flea, Hammer SRBs not recognising thrust obstructions.
  • Fix Twitch, Spark ISP engine value.
  • Fix Flea and Hammer white variant using incorrect texture

Ksp Current Version


  • Fix for maneuver mode UI being interactable while the Pause Menu is active
  • Fix for maneuver nodes collapsing to delete mode if moused-over quickly after switching nodes with the maneuver mode UI.
  • Fix maneuver node data being copied across nodes in some circumstances when using the maneuver node editor.
  • Fix NRE when root part is delete and fuel overlay is turned on.
  • Fix Menu Navigation when in the Game Difficulty > Advanced menu.
  • Fixes to wheel suspension spring and damper settings.
  • Fix wheel damage on docking, undocking and loading on high Gee CBs.
  • Fix wheel friction.
  • Fix engineer report showing incorrect mass for vessels containing parts with variable part module mass.
  • Fix simply clicking on maneuver node resetting the node burn.
  • Fix science experiment overwrite dialog text.


  • Added GameSettings.SaveSettingsOnNextGameSave method to flag the settings dirty and trigger a settings save next time the game is saved.
  • New GameEvents.onPartActionUIShown when PAW window is shown.
  • PartLoader no longer clears modules and resources from preconfigured parts.
  • Contracts - contract definitions Nodes are now processed additively. Before subsequent Contract nodes encountered on loading would override each other.
  • Experience Trait nodes can now handle multiple Effect nodes in different cfg files.

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Latest Version Of Ksp

Official release
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