Making Cocaine With Baking Soda

Posted by4 years ago
  • Mix 2 parts of cocaine hydrochloride to 1 part baking soda in 20 ml of water -or. Crack cocaine is less pure than using ether to make freebase cocaine (there is. Carefully fill the spoon with water to the 3/4 mark.Place the spoon with all three ingredients over medium high.
  • In a large metal spoon, combine 1 gram of cocaine and ½ gram of baking soda. Otherwise, no matter what step you decide to use for making freebase (albeit. Youre going to need 4.5 grams, If you have fishscale it should work out to be.3 grams of baking soda per gram of coke.

The least amount of baking soda is key to making free base cocaine. If you get the yellow globules then you are doing it correct. This depends on the purity of the cocaine. A reagent test kit is helpful in determining the quality of the cocaine.

Exact ratio of sodium bicarbonate to cocaine for freebase cocaine.

Mixing cocaine with baking soda


I have some cocaine which I suspect is pretty close to pure. I have washed it twice.

Cooking cocaine with baking soda

I'm trying to convert a bit of it into freebase via sodium bicarbonate.

I've experimented with different levels of sodium bicarbonate and am getting an ok product but I'd like to know the exact percentages I need.

Additionally, what is the sodium bicarbonate after the reaction? It takes the Hcl from cocaine hydrochloride, so I assume it is no longer sodium bicarbonate. Just curious.

Thank you.

74% Upvoted

Guide for Making Crack Cocaine with Sodium Bicarbonate

Please Note: I do not condone smoking crack or abusing cocaine and its subsidiaries. This substance can and will ruin lives. This is simply an informational tutorial about the process involved in the creation of crack.

I couldn’t find a guide on this anywhere here, sorry if I wasn’t looking hard enough. I also am not sure if I am going to be violating any rules with this but I don’t see why so here you go.

Download novel terjemahan romantis dewasa pdf. This is my guide to making CRACK COCAINE from POWDER COCAINE using Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda). Bump of chicken jupiter rar 320 kbps music download.

Let’s jump right into it, you’re going to need several key materials and ingredients: 1x Kitchen stove or portable burner 1x Medium size mason jar, glass jar, or pot (must have easy access from the top and be able to withstand boiling water) 1x Gallon (or other quantities depending on sheer amount of cocaine) DISTILLED WATER1x Box of baking soda (plan for a 3:1 sodium bicarbonate to powder cocaine ratio)

Optional items: 1x Face mask 1x Protective gloves 1x Rack to hold jar above flame (not 100% necessary, but makes things easier when using a portable burner 1x Small bowl or cup

Mixing Cocaine With Baking Soda

Step 1: Preparing Initial Mixture: First off you are going to take your cocaine and your sodium bicarbonate and thoroughly mix them together in a small bowl or cup if you have it, if not this can be done in your main jar. 3 PARTS BAKING SODA for every 1 PART COCAINE. Once you have these evenly distributed you want to take your distilled water and mix in enough to get the entire mixture to a muddy thick consistency. You want it to be thin enough to be able to swirl it around the bottom of the jar, but not thick enough that it clumps up and is hard to move.

Step 2: Initial Boil: You are not going to turn on your burner or stove to a medium/high heat. This is where it comes in handy to have protective gloves and a mask, as things get hot and chemical changes are taking place. Holding your jar above the flame or stove, you want to swirl the mixture around in the bottom as you heat it. It doesn’t have to be a fast movement, but enough to keep all the mixture from staying in one place. You are going to keep this up for a while, and eventually the cocaine and sodium bicarbonate will begin to react with each other, and the excess water, etc. will begin to evaporate from this mixture. After this has occurred you will remove the jar from the heat source and let it cool. A hard substance should have formed at the bottom of your jar.

Step 3: Secondary Heating: You want to take your jar with the hard residue at the bottom and fill it with distilled water, about and inch and a half above where your residue has settled. We are going to take this back to the stove/burner, and begin the swirling again. This time you will see the hard substance at the bottom begin to come off, and with consistent swirling you should be able to keep it all in the middle of the water, and a nice clumpy rock will begin to form. This is harder than it sounds but with a little work you can make it happen easily. Once you see a solid piece formed in the middle you want to remove it from the heat source but do not cease your swirling motion. For a couple minutes continue swirling as the mixture cools. Dump out the excess water, through a coffee filter if you really want, and you should be left with a nice crack rock.

This method is the easiest and most simple to perform. It requires some patience to perfect, but almost anyone can do it.

Hope you all enjoy!

Cook Cocaine Without Baking Soda


86% Upvoted

Making Cocaine With Baking Soda


    It’s a process called “washing up” (or freebasing, but this is harder to do and a little dangerous if you’ve no experiance with chemistary). Type that into google something would come up i’m sure.

    Get bicarbinated soda and cocaine. the way i have done it is on a spoon. mix like 250mg of bicarb to 1000mg coke. add water to it and then start heating up the spoon and slowly separating what comes out with a knife. after you’ve cooked the water out wack the bits u got in the fridge. a lot of the crap cut in the coke will completely disappear so will look quite small.

    I’m no pro and there is probably much better way to do it but this did work for me.

    @Tank Girl 449394 wrote:

    Dont you just put it up your bottom?

    i prefer the bin!

    Look at your coke and shout “CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK” at it … and it will change infront of your eyes.

    @DaftFader 449537 wrote:

    Look at your coke and shout “CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK” at it … and it will change infront of your eyes.

    hayden style!

    @lamat-recs 450132 wrote:

    App like bluestacks for mac. what.the.fuck

    @p0ly 450133 wrote:


    why what the fuck?

    Was anyong else hoping that dude was gonna fall in the river when he was dancing next to it? :laugh_at:

    Nox multi drive mac. @extraslim 450139 wrote:

    why what the fuck?

    did you watch the video? they done a rap to make crack hahahahaha

    Fucking brilliant i say but i want a freebase video i done it on a spoon like but thats it yet to try will do soon