Rome Total War Julii

The Julii

  1. Rome Total War Julii Opening Moves
  2. Rome Total War Economy Guide
  3. House Of Brutii

Ave, traveler, and welcome to the House of Julius. We are the northern Romans, those of the Roman Red capes and have the Laurels of Victory as our symbol. We are an ancient lineage, from a line of kings that was long before Rome herself was even founded. But that was hundreds of years ago. Now we are the House best suited to reducing the Gallic threat to nothing, and punish those churls for their sacking of our city one hundred twenty years before the campaign opens.

Brennus (317BC, Gaul - 263BC, Gaul) was the first Faction Leader of Gaul. He had 5/10 in command, 5/10 in management and 6/10 in influence. He died in the Attack on Brennus in 263BC. This dummy texture is found twice: in. Rome Total War Data modelslandscape textures and. Rome Total War Data settlementplans underlays textures. Judging from the first location, it appears that it was used as a test texture for landscapes. The second file location has the texture associated with settlements in some way.

They were the Julii who were the main house would take care of the barbaric country of the Gauls, The Brutii who would take care of the intelligent Macedon and the Greek Cities, And the Scipii who would take care of the desert people of Numida and Carthage.The Julii had 4 genarals, The faction leader,Flavius juilius and his 3 sons,Vibius. To open the console in which to enter the cheats given in this guide, firstly open a game of Rome: Total War and then press once the `/¬ (Tilde) key in the top left of the keyboard A console should now open in which you can now type the codes given in italics throughout the rest of the guide.

Our Lands

Arretium is our stronghold. It is not Rome, but it suits our purposes well. It is a large town, where we have built both a militia barracks and a governor's house , all surrounded by a wooden palisade. The militia barracks can recruit and train hastati, the basic unit of our early armies. Learn these men, traveler, and learn to use them. They will help you expand our realm swiftly and forcefully. Arretium has a port connected by roads, and farming has advanced since the days of slash-and-burn.

Ariminum is an Umbrian town to the east of Arretium. Its barracks can only put out Town Watch, an almost-useless unit, though one with spears- making it slightly more effective against horsemen than the peasants. There is a governor's house here as well, with palisades.

Our Army

Like all Roman factions, our army will be based initially upon the Camillan legion. We will recruit hastati and principes, with support from velites and equites. Later, when Gaius Marius reforms the armies, we will produce legionary cohorts, praetorians, and urban cohorts like the other Romans.

What sets the Julian military apart from the other houses are our gladiators. These fighters may be recruited from any amphitheater or Coliseum we own. Their time in the sands have given them a hardier stamina, it taking two hits to put down a gladiator instead of the single blow to kill a soldier.


Our gladiator, the Samnite Gladiator, is the only gladiator considered a swordsman. He has stronger attack values than the others, but a relatively weaker charge.

Our Gods

We Julii pay homage to the fertility goddess Ceres, who enables the women of Julian cities to be fruitful and bring forth a population boom of various sizes. Surprisingly, this fertility goddess does not increase the amount of grains (and thereby taxes) raised in the hinterlands of cities with her shrines, though the increased population does contribute an increased tax base.

Bacchus is a happy god, and shrines to the god Bacchus- the Roman equivalent of Greek Dionysius- bring forth happiness. These temples are useful where one has a large population to placate quickly.

Above all other gods ranks Jupiter, the Lawgiver, King of the Roman gods. His influences bring law bonuses to unruly populaces, helping maintain order to keep the Julii strong.

WarRome total war julii vs brutii or scipii

Awesome temples in his honor also draw to them groups of incredible warriors. These arcani, though not numerous, are superbly-trained swordsmen who can literally hide anywhere. Verily, their name means 'hidden ones'. Long grass, short grass, desert sands, deep forests- it does not matter. They cover their faces with war masks, and often wield two swords in battle. They have excellent morale, training, and endurance. The only other places these men gather are in the awesome temples and pantheons to Saturn, the Scipii god and father of Jupiter, and those awesome temples and pantheons to Mars of the Brutii..

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Rome Total War Julii Opening Moves

Rome total war julii campaign guide

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Rome Total War Economy Guide

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House Of Brutii

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