Skyrim Dragon Soul Console Command

The complete list of Skyrim Special Edition console commands is insanely long, and savvy PC players can change just-about anything in the world with a few commands. There’s so much info out there about the developer console, it’s actually really daunting to get started. If you’re new to Skyrim Special Edition, and if you just want to cut through the fat and find only the most useful console commands, we’ve got you covered.

Skyrim Console Commands are an essential tool that players use to enter cheats into the game. To enter Skyrim cheats into the PC Commands Console, hit (or the key above Tab) to bring up the. Give Dragon Souls player.forceav dragonsouls # Gives the player a specified amount of Dragon Souls to use. Skyrim Other Commands. Add NPC to Faction Addfac Adds a selected NPC to a.

Dragon Souls Codes

If it's because Miraak is taking them from you, don't worry - try hunting around on mainland Skyrim and eventually he will stop taking them. Of about 10 dragons that I killed, he only took 4 of them. I can't tell you for sure whether there is a console code for adding souls. I know you can add shouts, but I'm not sure about souls. An essential guide to getting past broken quests by using console commands in Skyrim. As a concrete example, say you're stuck on the Dragon Rising quest at the beginning of the game, when the.

Skyrim Dragon Soul Console CommandSkyrim

Here you’ll find our how-to guide to use the console window, which commands are best for beginners, and how to totally cheat. The commands here include; how to get lots of gold, how to change your perks, how to marry anyone, how to easily unlock doors, how to increase carry weight, how to get any item you want and lots more. Basically, we’re covering the stuff players ask for the most. Don’t worry, it’s actually really easy when you get a hang of it!

Beginner’s Console Commands Guide | PC Cheats

If you’re looking to gain lots of gold, get married instantly, change your perks or float through walls, the Developer Console is how you’re going to do it on PC. This special window allows you to, basically, input “Cheat codes” — you can become invincible, move faster, or unlock any number of benefits.

Using the Developer Console and Console Commands is easy, even if all the guides online make it look complicated. Here’s how to get started — the easy way.

  • How to Input Console Commands [Cheats]
    • To open the Developer Console window and input Console Commands, pressTilde [~] — this is the key located above TAB on your keyboard.
    • Type the code into the window to input it, then press ENTER. This will exit the Developer Console Window.
      • EXAMPLE: player.additem f 100
        • This will add 100 gold to your inventory.

Now you can open the Console Commands window and input codes. Now let’s get started and cover all the most important codes you’ll want to use in Skyrim.

Essential Console Commands

Here’s a list of all the basic console commands you’ll want to know. Find more detail about these codes and how they work under each.


  • What does it do?: Entering this command toggles GOD MODE. Input the code again to toggle it off.
    • No damage – No magic / stamina used – No carrying capacity limit – infinite arrows

player.additem f 100000

  • What does it do?: This code gives you 100,000 gold instantly.
    • Raw Version: player.additem <ItemID> <###>
  • If you’re looking for a specific item you want to add, type “help <ItemName>” to search for the item ID.
    • Replace <ItemID> with the value that appears in your search. Replace <###> with the number of items you want.
  • Find all ItemIDs right here. Press Ctrl-F to search what you’re looking for.

tmm 1,1,1

  • What does it do?: Adds all fast travel markers to the map, allowing you to fast travel anywhere right away.

player.modav carryweight 1500

  • What does it do?: Adds 1500 to your current carry weight. This number can be changed to anything you like.
    • Raw Version: player.modav <attribute> <###>
  • Use “player.modav” to change your stats permanently.
  • Find all attributes you can change right here. That includes speed, health, magicka, stamina, and other values.

player.addperk 00079349

  • What does it do?: Adds the perk “All Two-Handed Weapons do Double Damage” — like with items, all perks have their own “perkIDs” and each level of perk has its own unique ID.
    • Raw Version: player.addperk <PerkID>

help daedric

  • What does it do?: This code will list all daedric ItemIDs in the developer console window.
    • Raw Version: help <AnyText>
  • Replace <AnyText> with any keyword you’re looking for. This code is invaluable for finding items. Just type in a search term after “help” and the developer console will bring up any ItemIDs related to your text.
  • If the term you’re typing has more than one word, use quotation marks.
    • EXAMPLE: help “elven sword”


  • What does it do?: Instantly changes the sex of a target NPC / actor. If an actor is not targeted, will change the player character’s sex.


  • What does it do?: Toggles collision on / off. You will be able to fly through walls, floors, and anything else! Lets you get amazing views of the environment from the sky. Can also be used to fly to the end of dungeons or over annoying obstacles. Input the code again to toggle it off.
    • Warning: Make sure you toggle this code off while standing above flat ground! Toggling off inside walls / floors may cause your game to crash.


  • What does it do?: Toggles NPC AI on / off on targeted NPC or enemy.
    • Entering this command with no current target will disable AI on all actors in the world. Input again to disable.


  • What does it do?: Like “tai” — this instead only disables COMBAT AI.
    • Disables combat AI on the targeted actor, or will disable combat AI globally if no actors are targeted.


  • What does it do?: Toggles the HUD — perfect for getting awesome screenshots.


  • What does it do?: Re-opens the character customization menu. Allows you to change your race and anything else in a flash, totally for free.

kill / kill all

  • What does it do?: Kills whatever your cursor is targeting. Other target-based console commands include; unlock and resurrect.
    • “kill all” will kill all actors (enemies / NPCs) in your currently loaded cell. Enter a dungeon, then enter this command to kill everything in the area.


  • What does it do?: Like “kill” — unlocks whatever is targeted by your cursor. Will unlock doors / chests.


  • What does it do?: Resurrects the target actor. Can be used to bring back dead opponents or accidental kills, or just for fun.


  • What does it do?: Gives all spells, shouts, and beast forms. Shouts still require Dragon Souls to activate.
    • WARNING: This may cause your game to crash. Save before attempting!

Got your own favorite console commands? List them below, along with any questions you might have!

Give Dragon Souls Command

Skyrim shouts are among the many spells you can cast on your enemies to weaken their armor, stun them or inflict damage. The normal way to get Skyrim shouts is by finding the right Word Wall Locations, visiting the wall and getting your shouts.

If this is too much work for you, there is always the faster option of using cheats or hacks to get what you want faster. Console commands Skyrim shouts are the easy way to get these.

To bring up the PC console command, press the tilde key (~). Once you have the developer console up and running, you can use the following codes to add the shouts to your character.

Skyrim Console Commands All Shouts

Here are all Skyrim shouts console commands and how to use them in the game.

Pro Tip: Sometimes, console command hacks or cheats can mess up with your game and break some quests. Don’t save a game after using commands and be sure to disable autosaves. If you must save, have a backed up save just in case things go south.




player.teachword 13E22 FUS = ForceUnrelenting Force
player.teachword 13E23RO = BalanceUnrelenting Force
player.teachword 13E24DAH (D4) = PushUnrelenting Force
player.teachword 60294LAAS = LifeAura Whisper
player.teachword 60295YAH = SeekAura Whisper
player.teachword 60296NIR = HuntAura Whisper
player.teachword 602A3IIZ (3Z) = IceIce Form
player.teachword 602A4SLEN = FleshIce Form
player.teachword 602A5NUS = StatueIce Form
player.teachword 6029ASTRUN = StormStorm Call
player.teachword 6029BBAH (B4) = WrathStorm Call
player.teachword 6029CQO = LightningStorm Call
player.teachword 20E17YOL = FireFire Breath
player.teachword 20E18TOOR (T8R) = InfernoFire Breath
player.teachword 20E19KREIN (SHUL) = SunFire Breath
player.teachword 48ACATIID = TimeSlow Time
player.teachword 48ACBKLO = SandSlow Time
player.teachword 48ACCUL = EternitySlow Time
player.teachword 2F7BBWULD = WhirlwindWhirlwind Sprint
player.teachword 2F7BCNAH = FuryWhirlwind Sprint
player.teachword 2F7BDKEST = TempestWhirlwind Sprint
player.teachword 60291RAAN = AnimalAnimal Allegiance
player.teachword 60292MIR = AllegianceAnimal Allegiance
player.teachword 60293TAH = PackAnimal Allegiance
player.teachword 3291DSU = AirElemental Fury
player.teachword 3291EGRAH = BattleElemental Fury
player.teachword 3291FDUN = FuryElemental Fury
player.teachword 32917FEIM = FadeBecome Ethereal
player.teachword 32918ZI = SpiritBecome Ethereal
player.teachword 32919GRON = BindBecome Ethereal
player.teachword 5D16CFO = FrostFrost Breath
player.teachword 5D16DKRAH = ColdFrost Breath
player.teachword 5D16EDIIN = FreezeFrost Breath
player.teachword 602A0ZUL = VoiceThrow Voice
player.teachword 602A1MEY = FoolThrow Voice
player.teachword 602A2GUT = FarThrow Voice
player.teachword 5FB95ZUN = WeaponDisarm
player.teachword 5FB96HAAL = HandDisarm
player.teachword 5FB97VIIK = DefeatDisarm
player.teachword 3CD31LOK = SkyClear Skies
player.teachword 3CD32VAH = SpringClear Skies
player.teachword 3CD33KOOR = SummerClear Skies
player.teachword 51960HUN = HeroCall of Valor
player.teachword 51961KAAR = ChampionCall of Valor
player.teachword 51962ZOOL = LegendCall of Valor
player.teachword 44251JOOR = MortalDragonrend
player.teachword 44252ZAH = FiniteDragonrend
player.teachword 44253FRUL = TemporaryDragonrend
player.teachword 60297KRII = KillMarked for Death
player.teachword 60298LUN = LeechMarked for Death
player.teachword 60299AUS = SufferMarked for Death
player.teachword 46B89OD = SnowCall Dragon
player.teachword 46B8AAH = HunterCall Dragon
player.teachword 46B8BVIING = WingCall Dragon
player.teachword 6029DKAAN = KyneKyne’s Peace
player.teachword 6029EDREM = PeaceKyne’s Peace
player.teachword 6029FOV = TrustKyne’s Peace
player.teachword 3291AFAAS = FearDismay
player.teachword 3291BRU = RunDismay
player.teachword 3291CMAAR = TerrorDismay