Skyrim Nexus Familiar Faces

  1. Familiar Faces Skyrim
  2. Nexus Mods Skyrim Le
  3. Nexus Skyrim Se Mods
  4. Skyrim Nexus Familiar Faces Names
  5. Familiar Faces Song
LoneSubs' Modding Tutorial

Familiar faces for Skyrim SE. Hello modding community of skyrim, I like to take a shot and tell proficient modders of skyrim SE, that the mod author of the amazing mod familiar faces has lost interest in porting the mod to special edition, so it would be great, if any modders out there is interested in updating this mod he has willingly shared. Thanks for watching our Skyrim Mod Spotlight! Support us on Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter!. Aug 14, 2011 Familiar faces for Skyrim SE. Hello modding community of skyrim, I like to take a shot and tell proficient modders of skyrim SE, that the mod author of the amazing mod familiar faces has lost interest in porting the mod to special edition, so it would be great, if any modders out there is interested in updating this mod he has willingly shared. Run android emulator on mac. Os x el capitan installer app download.


First thing's first, I'm Lone. Today I'll be spending my time making this blog for other fellow Skyrim mod users. Which usually comes down to the requirements or bare necessities you'll need for Skyrim modding and such.
I'll also be sharing mods that I personally recommend or like. It would also be beneficial if you are at least SOMEWHAT familiar with Skyrim modding in general.

  • Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)
  • Optional: A Loverslab Account
  • A Steam Version of Skyrim on AT LEAST a decent PC.
  • Patience

These are probably the bare necessities you need to get started, or what you should at least have already to mod with. Why Nexus Mod Manager? It's probably the easiest, and most efficient thing you could ever use when it comes to modding. It organizes your mods in a library and also backs up your game's files prior to the installation of the mod.
SKSE is vital for many script extensive mods, and there are some very interesting mods out there that require it, not to mention it would be silly not to have it installed for the fact that it makes your Skyrim a tad more stable.

Skyrim Nexus Familiar FacesA Loverslab account is nice to have for the fact that it's another place for mods aside the Skyrim Nexus itself. Though you should be wary that it's an Adult Modding website, so expect adult mods. But the main purpose of mentioning it in this guide is the fact that they have 'What Mod is this?' threads, in which you can ask the community about the mods being used in a specific screenshot that you find. Most LIKELY found by people who frequent the Skyrim Image Uploader.

Steam Version of Skyrim because, well, most mods are made by people who use this version and it would be silly to use anything else. But a retail copy isn't bad either I suppose.

Patience and the ability to read. Skyrim modding can take many hours of your day doing, up to the point where you spend more of your spare time modding than you do actually PLAYING it. You'll understand it when you do the same thing as well. Reading, well, if you made it this far without skimming too much I think you'll be fine. Just make sure when you download a mod THAT YOU READ THE DESCRIPTION FIRST. I cannot stress you to the amount of time that you can waste trying to fix your game when something goes wrong because you didn't install the mod correctly or it had to be installed manually.

Familiar Faces Skyrim

Recommended Mods:

In this blog post I'll be sharing my list of mods for player characters, in which I focus the most of my time modding and majority of the modding community as well. Most of these mods CAN be found on the Nexus, while some others on Loverslab.

Nexus Mods Skyrim Le

Note that these are all personal preference when it comes to modding player characters and you can pick and choose whatever you like.

For character models I use:
  • DIMONIZIED UNP for Females.
  • Favored Soul for Males.
  • UNP Delicate Skin Textures.
Nexus skyrim mods pc



  • SG Hairs (Loverslab Only)

  • FNIS - Fores New Idles in Skyrim + Spells
  • XPMS Skeleton Replacer

Custom Race (Females Only):
  • The Ashen Race
  • 'Lovergirl'Race

Nexus Skyrim Se Mods

  • ENB:BoneAsh
Installation should be pretty straight-forward, download via NMM and enable it and you're good to go! Or you can download it manually and add it via zip file and enable it.
If I get enough requests I'll showcase a mod in a video in my next blog post and/or installation instructions for a mod. I don't think It'll be necessary because there have been many videos of such at Gophersvids for example.

Next Time: Armor Mods for UNP

Skyrim nexus familiar faces mod

Skyrim Nexus Familiar Faces Names

Familiar Faces Song